Unsere Leistungen

Unsere Leistungen


Our breeding program is supervised by the State Veterinary Administration of the Czech Republic, specifically by the Regional Veterinary Administration for the South Moravian Region, based in Brno. We are subject to regular veterinary Animal Welfare inspections and checks to ensure that we comply with the conditions stipulated for exports to European Union countries and third countries.

Der Prozess der Sozialisation

The pups have full access to the enclosure and inside. We regularly take them out for walks to familiarize her with the activity. We will name your puppy the way you want it from the very beginning if you reserve a puppy. Our dogs live together and they know each other, which is the best way to get them used to each other. 

Der Prozess der Sozialisation


Since the beginning of our business, we have always given guarantees based on a simple idea: we help our customers with their dogs all the way through their life. When a rare serious health issue occurs, we try to help and offer a two-year warranty.


We offer flexible transportation options based on each customer's preferences. Typically, our puppies travel from Prague airport by air, accompanied by trained staff in special crates with food and water. Our meticulous planning minimizes stress for the puppy during the journey. You'll receive a transport box, the puppy's familiar food, and a passport with transport documents. Alternatively, if car transport is preferred, we use a specially modified vehicle approved by the State Veterinary Administration. As a future owner, you're welcome to pick up your puppy in person, providing an opportunity to meet its parents.

Welpe auf Anfrage

Welpe auf Anfrage

It is possible that you are interested in a puppy that we do not have on offer. No worries, we have many friends among dog breeders of various breeds. We would be happy to assist you in finding the puppy you are looking for. We promise that he will come from very good parents who are usually very nice.

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Josef Pavlík

Josef Pavlík

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