How to care for a puppy
calendar 20.04.2024

How to care for a puppy

Are you getting a puppy? Welcome to the ranks of dog owners! You’ve prepared a bed, toys and a water bowl for your puppy, but do you know what else you will need for this beginning? With a cute new family member, an endless spiral of joy begins – and so does the adventure of duty.…

Dogs for those with allergies
calendar 20.04.2024

Dogs for those with allergies

Sneezing, watery eyes and impaired breathing – these are the unfortunate companions of many people who have allergies. However, this reaction does not mean that allergy sufferers cannot have their own dog. For all those struggling with allergies, we have good news: there are breeds of dogs…

Dog breeds for apartment living
calendar 20.04.2024

Dog breeds for apartment living

Many people claim that dogs do not belong in apartments, but the opposite is true. Living with a dog in an apartment means a lot of fun, time outdoors together for walks and much more contact with each other than with a dog that lives in the yard, for example. However, for this lifestyle, the dog…

How to choose a puppy from a litter
calendar 20.04.2024

How to choose a puppy from a litter

There are never enough puppies! But the decision to bring a new four-legged friend into the house requires a responsible attitude. Even though the puppy is young, we can already see signs of its personality and its future character, which are worth considering when choosing a dog. A lazy puppy or a…

Dog breeds for beginners
calendar 19.04.2024

Dog breeds for beginners

It’s always a challenge to begin the adventure of life with a dog. For the first-time dog owner, it’s most important to consider a breed’s temperament and ease of training when making your choice. Your choice of a suitable dog should also reflect your lifestyle, available space…