Dog breeds for beginners

calendar 19.04.2024

It’s always a challenge to begin the adventure of life with a dog. For the first-time dog owner, it’s most important to consider a breed’s temperament and ease of training when making your choice. Your choice of a suitable dog should also reflect your lifestyle, available space and the time you can spend raising your four-legged friend. Let's explain why some breeds are better suited for beginner dog owners. 

Dog breeds How should I choose a dog?
Dog breeds for beginners

Tame dog breeds that have lived with humans for centuries

Dogs have always lived among humans. Some dogs kept their people company during hunts, while others lived in the palace or pasture. Due to its history, each breed bears certain characteristics that are reflected in the nature of each dog. 


Breeds with calm temperaments and friendly natures are suitable for beginners. These include, for example, the noble Poodle, which stands out for its intelligence and friendliness. Terriers, who were bred as small, fearless helpers and now enjoy the comfort and closeness of family, are another good option. Shepherds and retrievers, meanwhile, are loyal and have the ability to quickly understand commands. 


Conversely, breeds such as Basenjis, Chow Chows, Akita Inus or Rhodesian Ridgebacks, which have a centuries-old history, are less suitable for beginners due to their characteristics and temperaments. Use caution as well when considering the hunting dog breeds. They need clear rules, opportunities to work and abundant exercise. 


The ideal dog for a beginner is the one that suits the lifestyle of your family. Dogs with a calmer temperament and less need for exercise, such as a dachshund or a French bulldog, are perfect companions for you. Their intelligence and ability to adapt to family activities is exactly what you need. In addition, these breeds require minimal grooming. All of these elements taken together promote a harmonious connection between the dog and the rest of the pack.

Simple instructions for raising your dog

As a beginner, the traits you want to see in a dog are enthusiasm for new experiences, a desire to learn and willing cooperation. Anyone can make a mistake in raising a dog, but if you have chosen an understanding dog and if you are kind to it, it will forgive you for any mistake. However, you must be consistent when raising your dog. Over time, you will learn how living with a new household member and setting firm rules has changed even you. 

Give your dog plenty of stimulation, especially while it is a puppy. The more animals, objects and situations it encounters now, the better prepared it will be for them as an adult. This lessens the chance that your dog will be afraid of change or unknown things. If you do not know how to raise a dog or if you would like to break into dog sports, don’t hesitate to contact a dog trainer or other dog experts who will be happy to help you in your journey.

When raising a dog, similar rules apply as when raising children. Understanding, love, patience and consistency are the keys to a happy coexistence. Learn to understand your dog's needs and don't be afraid to seek advice from more experienced dog owners or experts. With this approach, you open the door to a happy life together. Good luck starting your adventure together!

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